Friday, May 21, 2010

This year...

My first year at high school, well it went a lot better than I planned for at the beginning. This year was actually pretty fun. Except for all the homework and projects I had to finish and turn in. But overall this year has been a great year for me and I am looking forward to next year. That's a little weird to hear from me. The reason why I like this year so much was because I met new people, one of which is now my best friend. But I did meet new people, got closer to some I've lost contact with, and got to know some people who I knew, but then again, I didn't know at the same time. I really enjoyed the Freshman Academy. That really helped me learn how to be more responsible and more interested in some subject that I found boring in the past. This year was a fantastic year because of those reasons and I hope next year will be the same. There are so many things I'm looking forward to next year... Meeting more people and having new teachers. I'm not trying to say I don't like the ones I have now, but it will be nice to have a change. Hopefully the teachers next year are as nice and outgoing as these ones were. And I also like the school in general. It's a fun place to be and everyone, well not everyone, but a lot of people are really nice here. They haven't bullied one freshman yet. They make jokes, but they haven't full on bullied someone. So I have the best hopes for next year to be as great as this one was.

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